Uncategorized – Iain M Shaw

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Does a Purpose have to be Good? Pt1

Does a Purpose have to be Good? Pt1

In a previous blog I advocated a purpose-led approach to leadership, but in developing an organisations purpose does it have to do ‘good’ and if so ‘good’ for who? What and how people are motivated has been a subject of study for many years; an example of this written 350BC “Everyone always acts in order to obtain that which they think good” (Aristotle) which was further expanded “Every art and every enquiry and similarly every action and choice is thought…

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Operational Excellence – Start With Why

Operational Excellence – Start With Why

“Human actions are led by feelings, passions and affects and reason plays its role on a secondary level in the process of rationalisation” (Hume). Put another way, rationality alone is not enough to motivate us into action. So why are so many of the Operational Excellence approaches I have observed focused on reason, process and logic, and why do we continue to believe this will inspire our teams? Many of the approaches I have seen consider the journey from What…

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When Operational Excellence Forgot the Bottom Line

When Operational Excellence Forgot the Bottom Line

The oil and gas industry is going through a tough time with low commodity prices which most analysts agree is likely to remain low for sometime. A frequently heard phrase is that it needs to prepare for a “lower for longer” oil price. In an industry with historic commodity price instability, why do we find ourselves in such a tough place? It is easy to blame the low oil price and that it’s “OPEC’s fault”, or in fact anyone’s fault…

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